Friday, May 16, 2014


So, how did I get here?

It's been a long process--longer than I anticipated. For anyone considering joining the Peace Corps, here's a real-life timeline, from initial application to departure:

February 28, 2013: submitted initial online application.

March 25, 2013: interview at the University of Iowa campus office

April 8, 2013: nomination

April through September 2013: gather and submit medical records and complete medical history, including mental health and birth control

September 19, 2013: medical pre-clearance

September 24, 2013: additional information (about my romantic relationship and previous teaching experience) requested

October 24, 2013: invitation to serve as an education volunteer in Cameroon

October 28, 2013: accepted invitation after reading all Peace Corps literature on Cameroon

October through December 2013: complete passport and visa applications; submit legal documents and updated resume and aspiration statement

December 2013 through April 2014: preparations for medical clearance, including physical, vaccinations, dental x-rays, PAP exam, updating eyeglass prescription, etc.

April 11, 2014: received final medical clearance

April 28, 2014: received staging information

May 2014: complete online courses, exchange contact information, get additional passport photos for visa

As that's where I am at this point. I was told early on (February-March 2013) that I would leave the U.S. within a year of the receipt of my application, but it ended up being about fifteen months after I submitted the initial application. Then again, the federal government shut down for about two weeks in October, which may have slowed my invitation.

In short, joining the Peace Corps is not something you can do on a whim. It's a lengthy and sometimes stressful process, not to mention costly (but I'll write about that later). I admit, there were times when I was impatient and anxious, but I have no doubt that it will be worthwhile. Now there are just a few remaining steps:

May 26, 2014: fly to Philadelphia

May 27, 2014: orientation

May 28, 2014: fly out of Philadelphia

May 29, 2014: arrive in Cameroon and begin pre-service training (PST)

Wish me luck! It's hard to believe that after fifteen months of preparation, my journey is just beginning.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to enjoy this blog! It's going to be quite an adventure and sharing it this way is a great way to document your life in Cameroon. I'm very proud of you!
