Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes

And now, for something entirely different. Don't worry, this isn't turning into a food blog... unless that's what y'all want.

When my mom came to visit Cameroon for two weeks, I was beyond anxious, for a number of reasons. I fretted, Will she find travel stressful? How will she cope with not being able to communicate? How long will she survive without the use of a flushing toilet? More than anything, I wanted to prove that not only was I comfortable in my surroundings, but that I was a fully-functioning adult who knew how to clean and cook. The former was a lost cause from the get-go: The walls of my house have already started crumbling even though it was built less than three years ago, and bats have found their way into holes in the ceiling, but I was determined to make sure my mama was well fed.

I am not a particularly adventurous cook, especially here, where exotic ingredients are virtually nonexistent. But over the last year or so, I've had plenty of time to get my pancake game tight, and I think I delivered. Even after returning to the States, Mom bemoans the lack of pumpkin spice pancakes (which I find endlessly ironic, since she's in a country where you can find literally any kind of food.)

The following recipe is vague to the extreme, as I have neither measuring utensils nor a scale, but y'all know what the consistency of pancake batter should be, so just keep adding flour or water until you hit on the right consistency.

Lydia's World-Famous Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes

equal parts flour and whole dry oats
small cup of sugar
spoonful of baking powder
teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
pinch of salt
one egg
small cup of oil
cup of water

Mix dry ingredients. Add egg, oil, and water, and mix until consistent.

Cook in a dry frying pan over low heat.


(photo courtesy of Mom)

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