Monday, May 23, 2016

La Cuisine du Cameroun (Not): Mexican Bowl

Two things happened recently. 

First, I became even more lazy in the kitchen than I had been for the last two years. I used to veto any recipe that took more than half an hour, but anymore, cooking for longer than ten minutes feels like a waste of time. (Which is strange, because now that school is out, I have quite a lot of time to waste.) 

Secondly, I read some pseudo-scientific article suggesting that people should stop eating carbohydrates for dinner, since carbs are an energy source and most of us don't do much marathon training after supper. Is there any validity to this theory? Probably not, but in trying to come up with something quick and carb-less, I accidentally made this one-pan casserole-type... thing, and then made it again the following night. 

Maybe I have low standards. Maybe it's genuinely delicious. It's for you to judge.


  1. One ear of grilled corn (100 francs at the village market)
  2. One ripe avocado (50 francs at the market, about 10 feet behind the woman selling corn)
  3. Two wedges of Laughing Cow (one package of 8 wedges purchased for 900 francs in Ngaoundere, though everyone here calls it Vache Qui Rit)
  4. Half a can of refried beans (procured via a very generous care package from my beloved grandfather)


  1. Heat cheese-type product with a small amount of water on low heat until it has melted into a smooth sauce.
  2. Add beans and combine.
  3. Remove the kernels from the corn with a serrated knife, and drop kernels into the bean-cheese mixture.
  4. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, and spoon the fruit into the cheesy corny bean stuff.
  5. Enjoy!

I admit, it looks remarkably like something my cat might regurgitate, but it tastes like a fiesta!

Bon appétit! Or, you know, however you say that in Spanish.

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