Monday, September 29, 2014

Outfit of the Day

I normally don't treat this as a fashion blog, but I wanted to share my new ensemble, courtesy of my favorite tailor in village, who also happens to be my neighbor. I bought the pagne here on market day a few weeks ago for 6000 francs (about 12 dollars), and Pepito charged me 4000 (about $8) to sew the dress, which was based on a sketch I drew. Most of the women in the Adamawa cover their heads for religious reasons, and while I don't share their faith, part of being in the Peace Corps is integrating into the host culture, so this is one of my minor attempts to do so. This is also the reason for the longer hemline: While it's not rare to see women's knees in cities like Ngaoundere, women dress more conservatively in villages, so I've done likewise.

1 comment:

  1. I would have just said: "it's magnificent". It's impressive. To know this is custom made from a model-drawn made by you. It's out of fashion. The fact you can actually call it your own, nothing like this from anywhere, from anyone.
